Attack on U.S

“North Korean rockets getting ready to attack on U.S. targets”. 
(States media says)
North Korea puts rockets on standby:

North Korea is further probable take one more test level attack to expand its objectives rather than risk on N.Korean's suicide through a strike.
N.Korea's head has signed off, on a plan to set missiles to be on standby for attack on United States targets.[1]

In a conference among arm force officials on Friday,
Kim Jong Un, "said 

He has judged the time has get nearer to settle all matters with the U.S.
The missiles are set on US targets as well as military bases in the South Korea and Pacific as well.

North Korea has twice nuclear trials in 2006 to 2009 in reaction to United States punished rocket launches by Pyongyang.[2]

China: an ally of N.Korea support the resolution which was accepted on Tuesday, The resolution warned of significant.

An unidentified spokesman for Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry said the North Korea will keep doing exercises for its right, because Washington is pushing to start a nuclear war against the North.[3]

-The Question`s Raises-

Will North Korea Attack The U.S ?

If North Korea attacks U.S then make no mistake China and Russia will be right at the back.

What will Obama do?   

Obviously, he can`t do anything. He will take his family & himself as far away from the US as possible as soon & let the rest of U.S. deal it.

Fortunately, United States Of America still have their weapons.
Will U.S. win? Who knows? who believed in Obama?

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  1. might be he`ll run away..or not

  2. if korea attacks us than the americans are gonna take thr left n their right boots n turn them sideways n stick up straight to the koreans asses

  3. If they attack and if china and russia behind them this will be a threat also to europe and austrila and japan causing war in Asia and parts of europe but hopefully it won't come to that even tho china army is out datated and russians army is rusting


  4. its really very dangerous for US


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